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Product Description

The Scl-70 test is a chemiluminescent immunoassay (CLIA), for use on IDS automated analyzers.  It is used for the quantitative determination of the specific IgG antibodies directed against the Scl-70 (DNA topoisomerase I) antigen in human samples of serum or plasma (EDTA).

    1. CA von Mühlen, EM Tan. Autoantibodies in the diagnosis of systemic rheumatic diseases. Sem Arthr Rheum 1995; 24: 323-58.
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    9. CC Bunn, CP Denton, X Shi-Wen, C Knight, CM Black. Anti-RNA polymerases and other autoantibody specificities in systemic sclerosis. Br J Rheumatol 1998; 37: 15-20.
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    12. RL Humbel. Auto-immunité, auto-anticorps et maladie auto-immunes. In : Humbel RL, ed. Autoanticorps et maladies autoimmunes, Paris: Elsevier 1997. pp. 71-3.
    13. P D’Arpa, PS Machlin, H Ratie, NF Rothfield, DW Cleveland, WC Earnshaw. cDNA cloning of human topoisomerase I. Catalytic activity of a 67.7 kDa carboxyl-terminal fragment. Proc Natl Acad Sci USA; 85: 2543-7.
    14.  P D’Arpa, H White-Cooper, DW Cleveland, NF Rothfield, WC Earnshaw. Use of molecular cloning methods to map the distribution of epitopes on topoisomerase I ( Scl-70 ) recognized by sera of scleroderma patients. Arthritis Rheum 1990; 33: 1501-11.
    15. C Bona, N Rothfield. Autoantibodies in scleroderma and tightskin mice. Curr Opin immunol 1994; 6: 931-7.
    16. D Vazquez-Abad,CA Russell, SM Cusick, WC Earnshaw, NF Longitudinal study of anticentromere and antitopoisomerase I isotypes. Clin Immunol Immunopathol 1995; 74: 257-70.
    17. GC Fanning, KI Welsh, C Bunn, A Du Bois, CM Block. HLA association in three mutually exclusive autoantibody subgroups in UK systemic sclerosis patients. Br J Rheumatl 1998; 37: 201-7.
    18. D Basu, JD Reveille. Anti-Scl-70. Autoimmunity 2005; 38: 65-72.

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