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Endocrine Reproductive

A growing testing menu to address the clinical needs in reproductive health, from puberty through reproductive years and menopause.

Reproductive hormones play an important role throughout life, starting at birth, through sexual maturation, reproduction, and the aging process. Laboratory testing play a crucial role in the assessment of the female and male reproductive systems and the diagnosis of infertility.

  • The transition from childhood to puberty is regulated by changes in the androgens and sex steroids serum levels. The assessment of clinical conditions associated with puberty, such as delayed and precocious puberty, needs a comprehensive reproductive hormone testing. 
  • At the reproductive age, hormonal disorders are commonly investigated both in women and men.  
  • Besides the physiological changes, hormone imbalance occurring during aging can causes clinical alterations in both men and women. 

We offer laboratories with routine and specialty assays for the diagnosis and the effective management of conditions linked to reproduction, maturation, and infertility, meeting the needs of patients throughout their lives. 

Reproductive Endocrinology Products

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Assays Certification Platform Clinical Area Portfolio RUO/IVD
17-OH Progesterone CE MarkedFDA Cleared i10iSYS Endocrine Reproductive Endocrinology IVD
Androstenedione CE MarkedFDA Cleared i10iSYS Endocrine Reproductive Endocrinology IVD
Free Testosterone CE MarkedFDA Cleared i10iSYS Endocrine Reproductive Endocrinology IVD
IDS Prolactin IVDR i10iSYS Endocrine Reproductive Endocrinology IVD
SHBG CE MarkedFDA Cleared i10iSYS Endocrine Reproductive Endocrinology IVD
Total Testosterone CE Marked i10iSYS Endocrine Reproductive Endocrinology IVD

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