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Product Description

The SS-A/Ro test is a chemiluminescent immunoassay (CLIA), for use on IDS automated analyzers. It is used for the quantitative determination of the specific IgG antibodies directed against SS-A/Ro in human samples of serum or plasma (EDTA).

    1. CA von Mühlen, EM Tan. Autoantibodies in the diagnosis of systemic rheumatic diseases. Sem Arthr Rheum 1995; 24: 323-58.
    2. RL Humbel. Auto-immunité, auto-anticorps et maladie. In : Humbel RL, ed. Autoanticorps et maladies autoimmunes, Paris, France : Edition Scientifiques Elsevier; 1997: 17-20.
    3. PN Hollingsworth, SC Pummer, RL Dawkins. Antinuclear antibodies. In : Peter JB, Shoenfeld Y, eds. Autoantibodies. Amsterdam, The Netherlands : Elsevier Science BV; 1996: 74-90.
    4. CA Slater, RB Davis, RH Shmerling. Antinuclear antibodies testing. A study of clinical utility. Arch Int Med 1996; 156: 1421-5
    5. RL Humbel. Detection of antinuclear antibodies by immunofluorescence. In : van Venrooij, Maini RN eds. Manual of Biological Markers of Disease. Dordrecht, The Netherlands : Kluwer; 1993: A2:1-16.
    6. National Committee for Clinical Laboratory Standardization. Quality assurance for the indirect immunofluorescence test for autoantibodies to nuclear antigen (IF-ANA). Approved Guideline. Wayne, PA: NCCLS I/LA2-A, vol. 16 (11); 1996.
    7. PJ Venables, PR Smith, RN Maini. Purification and characterization of the Sjögren’s syndrome A and B antigens. Clin Exp Immunol 1983; 54: 731-8.
    8. E Ben-Chetrit, EKL Chan, KF Sullivan, EM Tan. A 52-kD protein is a novel component of the SS-A/Ro antigenic particle. J Exp Med 1988;167:1560-71.
    9. RL Slobbe, GJM Pruijn, van Venrooij WJ. Ro (SS-A) and La (SS-B) ribonucleoprotein complexes . structure, function and antigenicity. Ann Med Interne 1991; 142: 592-600.
    10. E Ben-Chetrit, R Fox, EM Tan. Dissociation of immune responses to the SS-A(Ro) 52-kD and 60-kD polypeptides in systemic lupus erythematosus and Sjögren’s syndrome. Arthr Rheum 1990; 33: 349-55.
    11. RL Slobbe, GJM Pruijn, WG Damen, JW van der Kemp, WJ van Venrooij. Detection and occurrence of 60 and 52 kD Ro (SS-A) antigens and of autoantibodies against these proteins. Clin Exp Immunol 1991; 86: 99-105.
    12. JG Routzias, AG Tzioufas, M Sakarellos-Daitsiotis, C Sakarellos, HM Moutsopoulos. Epitope mapping of the Ro/SSa 60 kD autoantigen reveals disease-specific antibody binding profiles. Eur J Clin Invest 1996; 26 : 514-21.
    13. RH Scofied, AD Farris, AC Horsfall, JB Harley. Fine specificity of the autoimmune response to the Ro/SSA and La/SSB ribonucleoproteins. Arthritis Rheum 1999; 42: 199-209.
    14. AG Tzioufas, HM Moutsopoulos. Clinical significance of autoantibodies to SS/A and La/SSB. In : van Venrooij WJ, Maini RN, eds. Manual of Biological Markers of Disease. Dordrecht : Kluwer Academic Publ 1996; C4.1 : 1-14.

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