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Serum Crosslaps® (CTX-I) ELISA

Product Description

For determination of degradation products of C-terminal telopeptides of Type I collagen (CTX-I) in human serum or plasma. CTX-I can be used as an indicator of bone resorption status.

  • Supports the management of postmenopausal osteoporosis and prediction of long-term skeletal response to anti-resorptive therapies, e.g. HRT, bisphosphonates
  • Encourages patient motivation and compliance
  • Allows the assessment of bone resorption in patients with metabolic bone disease, e.g. hyperparathyroidism, Paget´s disease, osteodystrophy and those receiving prolonged glucocorticoid therapy
  • CTX-I is considered a reference marker for osteoporosis management as indicated by IOF, IFCC and NBHA
  • Easy to perform – one step incubation
  • Excellent correlation with automated methods
  • Part of a complete assay panel supporting bone disease management

Results are to be used in conjunction with other clinical and laboratory data as an aid in:

  • Monitoring bone resorption changes of anti-resorptive therapies (such as hormone replacement therapies (HRT) with hormones or hormone like drugs and bisphosphonate therapies) in postmenopausal women and individuals diagnosed with osteopenia
  • Predicting skeletal response (Bone Mineral Density) in postmenopausal women undergoing anti resorptive therapies, such as HRT with hormones or hormone like drugs and bisphosphonate therapies
    1. Bjarnason NH & Christiansen C. Early Response in Biochemical Markers Predicts Long-term Response in Bone Mass During Hormone Replacement Therapy in Early Postmenopausal Women. Elsevier 26; 561-569 (2000).
    2. Bonde M, Garnero P, Fledelius C, et al. Measurement of bone degradation products in serum using antibodies reactive with an isomerized from of an 8 amino acid sequence of the C-telopeptide of Type I collagen. J Bone Miner Res 12:1028-1034 (1997).
    3. Bonde M, Qvist P, Fledelius C, et al. Applications of an enzyme immunoassay for a new marker of bone resorption (CrossLaps®) -follow up on hormone replacement therapy and osteoporosis risk assessment. J Clin Endocrinol & Metab 80:864-8 (1995).
    4. Christgau S, Bitsch-Jensen O, Bjarnason NH, et al. Serum CrossLaps for Monitoring the Response in Individuals Undergoing Antiresorptive Therapy. Elsevier 26; 505-511 (2000).
    5. Christgau S, Rosenquist C, Alexandersen P, et al. Clinical evaluation of the Serum CrossLaps® ELISA, a new assay measuring the serum concentration of bone-derived degradation products of type I collagen Ctelopeptides. Clin Chem 44:11;2290-2300 (1998).
    6. Vasikaran SD et al. Markers of bone turnover for the prediction of fracture risk and monitoring of osteoporosis treatment: a need for international reference standards. Osteoporos Int. 2010; 22(2):391-420.

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Serum Crosslaps® (CTX-I) ELISA


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